Your school may take a daily attendance count every morning as well as taking attendance each period. ProgressBook allows you to view both types of attendance records if your school has these options enabled.
- Click Attendance.
- The "Attendance" screen displays your "Daily Attendance" for the year and your "Period Attendance" for today (if your school has these options enabled). Optionally, you can view your daily attendance by reporting period by clicking View period daily attendance detail.
- When "View period attendance detail" is clicked, the "Daily Attendance" screen displays. From the right side of the screen, click a different reporting period.
- Optionally, you can view your period attendance for dates other than those currently displayed by clicking View period attendance detail. The "Period Attendance" screen displays your period attendance for the school year.
- To view your period attendance for a specific reporting period, from the right side of the screen, click a different reporting period.